How to create effective ads

Tips on how to create an effective ad

Build trust with good identity

Trust is the secret ingredient to sales. Customers will buy from sellers or brands they can relate with, so it is of best interest to update your real profile picture and be socially active on Nigerpress to boost your reputation.

Attention-grabbing advert title

Use a clear title which includes the name of the item you are selling or promoting.

Relevant price

Set an appropriate price for your item so that the advert is approved. Comparing price on Nigerpress can help you ensure your item is in line with the current market.

Detailed description

The description of your product must be informative enough and must not contain any false information regarding your product or service.

Upload attractive pictures

The better photos you add, the more attractive your ad looks to the potential buyers and the more calls you receive.

Answer your calls and chats

Indicate correct contact details. Try to respond to all the incoming calls or to call back your customers once available.

Check your location and category

It is important to ensure that you post your ad in the right location and category.

Pay a little more, get a lot

Sometimes, an ad might just need a little boost to receive the exposure it needs. If you are motivated towards increasing exposure, consider posting featured ads.